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Defender 3D

Overview: Defender 3D is a personal project I made as a gift to someone. It was made in Unity, and it's 2.5D sci-fi shooter.

Role: Only member of the project.

Duration: 2 weeks.

Engine: Unity.

Acquired skills: This project was important to the development of my skills using Unity since I had to make it in a limited amount of time and fully working. I learnt how to make asymmetric games, how to design them, and how coding works when developing one.

Improved skills: This project led me to improve my time-management skills significantly, as well as my coding abilities since I had only two weeks.

Areas for improvement: The game requires to be improved in coding as it's very buggy. This is the reason why there's not a playable version: the game is still impossible to finish.

What I'm proud of: This project was made in less than two weeks by myself. It was an ambitious project, but because of my previous experiences I managed to make it. I am proud of how I managed the time that was available to me.

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