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Maker of the trailer: Meriam.

Send her a Tweet at: @MeriamOVO

Departed - Teaser Trailer

Overview: Departed is a narrative-driven game made in Unity in 3 months. It's my attempt to approach lighting and post-processing. It's my biggest project and I am constantly updating it.

Role: Only developer.

Duration: 3 months.

Engine: Unity.

Acquired skills: I learnt how to use post-processing efficiently and how to integrate emergent narrative using the Kuleshov Effect: I gave the player pieces of information about the story and let them fill the gaps. I learnt how to edit sound and apply different effects to it using Audacity.

Improved skills: I improved my knowledge of Unity, but I also learnt how it feels to cooperate with a PR person and how to manage and meet the deadlines assigned by the said person. Our game reached thousands and thousands of views thanks to her:

Areas for improvement: Departed is in Beta 1.2. One of the biggest areas of improvement is the real-time change in the post-processing profile, which I have managed to achieve but I still have  to perfect it before implementing it in the full game. Also, the lighting needs to be perfected as well. A shader that applies snow is in the project, but it still needs integrating: it would change from autumn to winter in real time. Finally, there are some performance issues that are very close to be fixed thanks to Occlusion Areas and Occlusion Culling.

What I'm proud of: Departed is my biggest project and surely the one that I love the most. The support of the community around this game is small but it gives me the will to improve it. I am proud I was able to realise such a project and that it is still alive after months after its first release.

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