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Ghost Hunter

Unreal Engine C++

Overview: This is a project made in Unreal Engine. It shows 2 artificially intelligent agents behaving differently to catch the player in a labyrinth game. Everything has been implemented using C++ only.

Role: Only developer.

Duration: 1 month.

Engine: Unreal Engine.

Acquired skills: I learnt how to implement a basic AI using Unreal Engine and C++.

Improved skills: I improved my general knowledge of Unreal Engine and my C++ coding skills.

Areas for improvement: I could make more a more interesting AI, perhaps one that does not chase the player but waits for them to ambush them near the player's objective.

What I'm proud of: Everything! It's my first solo Unreal Engine project in C++, and I managed to make something exceptional, in my opinion... And bugs-free as well!

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